August, 2023


13h 0m

NEW UPDATE DAY!!! 1.3 has released meaning we got a new character banner this time it's Dan Heng I'll, I spent all my jades but lost my 50/50 on Welt 😭(I like Welt but I wanted Dan Heng Ill).
Anyway after this fiasco I decided to play the new story content, We met up with Fu Xuan and decided to go over all of the events that happened on the Luofu. Afterwards we met up with Yukong and helped her to hold a funeral for Tingyun. After the funeral we talked to Jing Yuan one last time and he gave us a token of alliance. And the Luofu story is over for now! It was time to leave but I first had to say goodbye to all of the people we met. After saying our goodbyes we went back to the express and now it's time to await our next journey!! (Oh yeah there was also this cool cutscene between Luocha and Jing Yuan so I am excited for that).
And besides story and pulls I did a lot of side stories and Simulated universe grinding etc.